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We Size Things Differently Here…

We Size Things Differently Here…

When the doorbell rings, you know exactly what it is. Dropping everything, you hurry to grab the package and head for the bedroom to try on your new find!
But the feeling as you look in the mirror 5 minutes later is hardly one of confidence or satisfaction. The waistband digs into your tummy. The hem rests under your heel. And every ripple on your thighs translates to lumps through the taut fabric.
Struggling to hold back tears you tear off the pants and flip the tag back, just to check… Yes, that’s the size you ordered. But why does this ‘8’ fit so differently than the one you bought last week!? Disgusted, you throw them into the corner and turn away.
It’s beyond annoying.
It’s dehumanizing.
And with no effort at all, the internalized messages from our body-shaming culture start running through your head. They tear down your confidence… fill you with regret... make you want to hide... Listen, fellow EliraWoman… You’re so much more than a number. So when an entire culture has embraced a sizing system that assigns value to numbers?...

We think it’s time to toss the numbers out the window!

Assigning worth to varying numbers on a tag because society tells us to is ridiculous. 
And let’s not kid ourselves… that same body-shaming culture making us feel like garbage when we our clothes don’t fit also makes us click on what we WANT instead of embracing what we ARE
Why do we do this to ourselves? When we have the power to spare ourselves the frustration of having a much-anticipated arrival marred by a terrible fit... why don’t we use it?
We’ve all seen the sizing charts. Most brands have them. And yet, we still order without taking the time to break out the old tape measure to see how things have changed.
So here’s your reminder…

YOU have all the power here… the power to satisfy yourself.

We don’t want to know your number, per se… I mean, yes, our manufacturer does, so they can make them the correct size. But we don’t sell 2s, 4s, etc… You’re not a number here. 
Why did we do this, you ask? It’s simple really.
  • We believe that the fashion industry has put way too much baggage on the number system and it stinks. There’s nothing wrong with having an ‘X’ on your tag… we believe that. And we want to fight that stigma by taking the ‘X’ off entirely. Hopefully, us doing that will help get the ‘X’ out of your mind too and give you the space you need to embrace yourself fully!
  • We love this earth and all its beauty has to offer us! Because of that, we don’t want to be wasteful with its resources. Shipping multiple pairs of pants multiple times raises our carbon footprint… so doing everything we can to get a good fit on the first try is important to us! 
  • We want you to be satisfied… and there’s no better way to accomplish that than by considering your specific requests when we get your order. 
When you’re snuggled down on the couch with a cup of whatever-your-jam-is… 
When there’s a fire in the fireplace… 
The cat (or dog!) has fallen asleep on your foot…
If given the option you’re going to just click your standard number instead of investing in your own happiness by getting a move on it and finding your measuring tape. 
By nixing the number system, we hope you’ll heave a sigh, set down your drink, slip away from the snoozing pet, and prioritize your satisfaction!
No more guessing when you order, okay? Just get the tape measure and find your letter size!

So here’s what you’re going to do.

Before you hit “Add to Cart”, you’re going to pull up this chart: 
Elira size chart
and you’re going to measure. Get a soft tape measure if you have it. If you don’t? Well, get creative! Get a string and a ruler if you must! Trust us… any effort at all is better than none. 
The first measurement is your natural waist. Our pants have a 9” (XSmall - Medium) or 10” (Large - 4X) rise and you should take your waist measurement appropriately. Jot down that number!
Then move on to the hip. This is measured at your widest part. Jot down that number!
Next is your thigh. This should be measured at its thickest spot. Measure both legs and jot down the larger number!
Next, the inseam. From your crotch to the ground, what is it? Jot down that number. 
NOW you can look at the chart and find out what your size is! 
Every body is unique… and as such, you must approach this chart as a guide, not the law. Some of us beautiful, powerful EliraWomen will have thighs on the D scale and a waist on the E scale. You get to decide… would you rather size up to the thighs and see a tailor to cinch the waist? Or have a nice fit in the waist with fabric hugging your thighs a bit more snuggly?

It’s high time to EMBRACE yourself.

EliraWomen… you hold the power of your own satisfaction in your hands. You alone can perform your measurements and convey them when ordering your pants. You are responsible for your own happiness… and that includes your pants’ fit!
And you know what? When you get clothes that fit, it’s an act of defiance. You’re choosing to embrace your true self and rebel against the body-shaming culture that’s constantly trying to flood you with negativity! 

Isn’t that what we all want?

We’re taking care of the quality. 
It’s your job to take care of the fit. 
Together, we can make your future full of confidence and beauty!